I am ashamed that this will be my second blog in a row where I say, I'm back!!! I have to start blogging regularly again. I had told myself at the beginning of the year, when I started my blog, that I would write an entry every single day, even when I had nothing to say... it then turned from nothing to say to no time/no motivation... and I apologize to my few yet wonderful readers who actually liked my blog that you had to wait this long...
So I will put my shame on the counter, or better yet, beat it with a hammer, and be happy that I am going to blog again! Motivation, motivation, motivation... I just need to chant it over and over again.
My entries will probably be shorter than I had originally started out with... only because I will probably spend my morning and afternoon breaks to update, which are only 10 minutes each... not a whole lot of time.
Starting with a quick theatre update... like the last "I'm back" post!
As I had stated in my last update, Pajama Game had opened... it's now closed, and has been for a long while... I had started my internship for The Gin Game... which didn't truly start until after Pajama Game closed... the run of that show felt like it lasted forever... but even that finished a long time ago... then came the real fun...
My Producers callback didn't get me into the show at Chanhassen; BUT they thought I had done such a great job at the callback that they called me a couple weeks later and asked me if I could audition to be a replacement in their current production of 42nd Street...
This is where I insert a little fun tidbit of information... remember how I had been offered the understudy role to the lead in BCT's Crazy For You? (If you don't remember, just look at the entry I posted before this) I had been approached months before the Crazy For You audition with the idea of being the lead (not the understudy)... found out that the guy who actually got the role, Rico Heisler, is the very guy that had to drop out of 42nd Street in order to be the lead in Crazy For You, and it was his replacement I would be audtioning for... it's because I didn't get the lead in Crazy For You that I finally got the chance I've been waiting for to perform for CDT.
I went to the audition... realized I was the only one they had called... and the next day Chanhassen Dinner Theatres called me again to give me the replacement part. I had to drop out of Crazy For You, as I would be missing the first three weeks of rehearsal by doing 42nd Street, and a week later I was at rehearsals for 42nd Street and actually getting paid for it...
I learned the show in ONE week... the entire show... all of the dances... all of the scenes... all of my costume changes (without my costumes btw), where I stand for this line, where I walk for this line, what lyrics to sing, what tap routines to perform... I had ONE put-in rehearsal (the one and only time I was able to do the whole show in order, with the entire cast, on stage, and do my costume changes actually with the costumes)... later that evening, I was performing in the show.
All of it was extremely stressful, and extremely tiring, but I was more than willing to go through it, as performing on the Channhassen Dinner Theatre's main stage has been a dream of mine since I was very little. As much as I told myself I wouldn't, I couldn't help but cry during the bows of opening night.
During the run, Tony Vierling came to see the show... Tony was my local idol while I was growing up... I had looked at him for inspiration to pursue theatre, and he is so talented that I had aspired to be as good as him, performing on the stage someday, and I still have that goal... he had done a lot of Chanhassen shows (another reason I wanted to get into Chanhassen at some point in my life) and over the past few years we've actually become good friends and he's helped me with decisions I've had to make regarding shows, and he's also given me good advice on where to take dance classes... Anyway, he came to the 42nd Street, with a friend of his who was in town for a wedding (and had also done a lot of Chanhassen shows before her career hit it big in California)... I'm talking about none other than Amy Adams. I got to meet the lovely Amy backstage before the show... After the show Tony said, very loud, and in front of practically the entire cast as I had exited the dressing room that night, "This guy (pointing at me) was amazing!"
Later on, in the Hogarth (the main bar at the theatre, and also the setting of both the header picture and the following picture in this entry) I got a picture of all of us together!
So I will put my shame on the counter, or better yet, beat it with a hammer, and be happy that I am going to blog again! Motivation, motivation, motivation... I just need to chant it over and over again.
My entries will probably be shorter than I had originally started out with... only because I will probably spend my morning and afternoon breaks to update, which are only 10 minutes each... not a whole lot of time.
Starting with a quick theatre update... like the last "I'm back" post!
As I had stated in my last update, Pajama Game had opened... it's now closed, and has been for a long while... I had started my internship for The Gin Game... which didn't truly start until after Pajama Game closed... the run of that show felt like it lasted forever... but even that finished a long time ago... then came the real fun...
My Producers callback didn't get me into the show at Chanhassen; BUT they thought I had done such a great job at the callback that they called me a couple weeks later and asked me if I could audition to be a replacement in their current production of 42nd Street...
This is where I insert a little fun tidbit of information... remember how I had been offered the understudy role to the lead in BCT's Crazy For You? (If you don't remember, just look at the entry I posted before this) I had been approached months before the Crazy For You audition with the idea of being the lead (not the understudy)... found out that the guy who actually got the role, Rico Heisler, is the very guy that had to drop out of 42nd Street in order to be the lead in Crazy For You, and it was his replacement I would be audtioning for... it's because I didn't get the lead in Crazy For You that I finally got the chance I've been waiting for to perform for CDT.
I went to the audition... realized I was the only one they had called... and the next day Chanhassen Dinner Theatres called me again to give me the replacement part. I had to drop out of Crazy For You, as I would be missing the first three weeks of rehearsal by doing 42nd Street, and a week later I was at rehearsals for 42nd Street and actually getting paid for it...
I learned the show in ONE week... the entire show... all of the dances... all of the scenes... all of my costume changes (without my costumes btw), where I stand for this line, where I walk for this line, what lyrics to sing, what tap routines to perform... I had ONE put-in rehearsal (the one and only time I was able to do the whole show in order, with the entire cast, on stage, and do my costume changes actually with the costumes)... later that evening, I was performing in the show.
All of it was extremely stressful, and extremely tiring, but I was more than willing to go through it, as performing on the Channhassen Dinner Theatre's main stage has been a dream of mine since I was very little. As much as I told myself I wouldn't, I couldn't help but cry during the bows of opening night.
During the run, Tony Vierling came to see the show... Tony was my local idol while I was growing up... I had looked at him for inspiration to pursue theatre, and he is so talented that I had aspired to be as good as him, performing on the stage someday, and I still have that goal... he had done a lot of Chanhassen shows (another reason I wanted to get into Chanhassen at some point in my life) and over the past few years we've actually become good friends and he's helped me with decisions I've had to make regarding shows, and he's also given me good advice on where to take dance classes... Anyway, he came to the 42nd Street, with a friend of his who was in town for a wedding (and had also done a lot of Chanhassen shows before her career hit it big in California)... I'm talking about none other than Amy Adams. I got to meet the lovely Amy backstage before the show... After the show Tony said, very loud, and in front of practically the entire cast as I had exited the dressing room that night, "This guy (pointing at me) was amazing!"
Later on, in the Hogarth (the main bar at the theatre, and also the setting of both the header picture and the following picture in this entry) I got a picture of all of us together!
I learned A LOT in the week I had rehearsal for the show, and the three weeks that I was on stage. It was very odd though, as most people were ready to get the show over and done with (having already performed it for three months, this being their fourth and last month of the show). The cast called me "their lil' Robbie" because I was, as they put it, like a little puppy, so full of excitement and happiness. I felt kind of like an outcast during the first couple weeks, but by the end of it all, I felt a little bit like a part of the Chanhassen family... and the director told me that I did great and I'll be back again soon, which made me feel better about it ending.
During my run in 42nd Street, Crazy For You had a couple of guys drop out of the show, and so they asked me to come back and perform. 42nd Street closed on a Saturday evening, and Monday evening I was back rehearsing for another show, and cramming to learn everything in a short time again... (they had already been rehearsing for three weeks by that point). The show already opened, and was completely sold out by the second weekend. Tonight starts our fifth and final weekend...
Up next for me is Fiorello with BCT...

We started rehearsals this past Monday... The show opens Fri Oct 24th and runs for four weekends Thur-Sun through Nov 16th. We're apparently around the 80% sold mark... so I would buy tickets SOON if you want to come see the show! I put the link above the picture.
Sorry this post was SO long... but I just got into story mode, and was excited to retell the most amazing thing that has happened to me so far in my theatre career. Love you all! Glad to be back... again :P
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