For those of you who didn't get the chance to see my most recent show - Crazy For You, at Bloomington Civic Theatre - and for those of you who did see the show and really enjoyed it, here are some pictures!
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Crazy For You Pictures!
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8:38 AM
Labels: the stage
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Do the iPod Shuffle!
I thought I would do a fun interactive thing today!
Get out your iPods, turn it on shuffle, and tell me what the first 10 songs are...
Here goes mine!
1. "Intermission" - Scissor Sisters
2. "Look At Your Hands" - George Michael
3. "Lonely Teardrops" - Huey Lewis in the Duets Soundtrack
4. "Bliss" - Rosie Brown - my City Lounge London CD
5. "Our Town" - James Taylor in the Cars Soundtrack
6. "Quartet/There's a Man--Transition" - The Secret Garden (Musical)
7. "42nd Street" - The Chanhassen Dinner Theatre Recording of 42nd Street
8. "Pale September" - Fiona Apple
9. "Sweetest Thing" - U2 - Now That's What I Call Music Vol. 2
10. "Like a Virgin" - the Moulin Rouge remake
OOOOOOooooh! And I really like my list! Good songs! What are your lists?
To comment - simply click on the "comments" link at the bottom of the post on the blog site. Type in your message, do the word verification, and then choose an ID (If you choose "Name" you can post a comment even without having a blog).
It's not Intermission... but it's STILL Scissor Sisters! :)
Videos only appear on the blog site. Click here to go there now.
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5:48 AM
Labels: tunes
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Center-Spot Loves Kathy Griffin!
As a birthday gift, my friend Chris (who I house sit for on occasion) took me to Kathy Griffin last night, and let me tell you - I loved every minute of it. Not only did she have incredibly smart and up to date material, but she incorporated Minneapolis as much as she could; which made me love her even more, lol. To feel that she really was enjoying her stay here and appreciated our city, made me feel proud to live here and be a part of this community.
I can't really approach this with a critical eye, as I really don't have any experience in performing or viewing a live stand up comedy routine. Also, I absolutely loved it, and I was only there to enjoy a birthday treat and laugh my ass off - both of which were accomplished :)
If you absolutely love celebrity gossip, from an insider with a hilariously sarcastic and cut-throat approach, you will love Kathy's humor. From political characters as Palin and Obama, to powerhouses of the media like Oprah Winfrey, and the confused adolescents that are Britney Spears and Lindsay Loahn, Kathy finds the humor in them all.
If you get offended easily, then you probably wouldn't like her humor as she talks about groups too, not excluding religious affiliations. It's all to make bold statements and to combine that shock factor of - I can't believe she just blurted that out - with the cathartic release of - I've thought that before too, but YOU said it!!
She spoke a lot about her recent Emmy win and the backstage shenanigans. YAY!
This entry is already long enough, so I'm going to post the video I found. If you like her show and ever have the chance to see Kathy Griffin in person, DO IT; it's SUCH a different experience than seeing a video. The exhilaration of seeing her in front of you, live on stage, is enough to sensitize your funny bone and be tickled a lot easier.
My birthday had already been amazing, and this was the perfect cherry on top. Thank you James, Heather, Kirby, Mom, Dad, Rosie, Dan, Grandpa, Chris, Sue, Andrea, all of my friends who sent me their good wishes on Facebook and Myspace or via text and phone calls, that random Happy Birthday comment in my last post, and of course Kathy Griffin for making this a birthday to remember!
PLUS her hair was fabulous AS ALWAYS! :P
Videos only appear on the blog web site.
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11:11 AM
Labels: holidays, weekend activities
Friday, October 3, 2008
3, It's the Birthday Number, Yeah it Is!
Now this is a random baby, it's not me, he just fit the theme... but happy belated birthday to him, whenever that may be...
Today is my birthday! I'm going to try to make this a super short blog, as I shouldn't be spending my energies on writing today, it should be on calming myself down... I'm not old... I'm not old... I'm only 24! Older than I've EVER been, but not OLD! Hell no!
Whatever the case may be, you still must know the power of the number 3. To give my fingers a little bit of a rest, let's have School House Rock tells ya!
To the next piece of proof... this is one of my favorite movies... on Youtube the title of this video is Mean Girls 3. If you go to 4:03 in the video you come to a scene... ABOUT?... October 3rd. Hells yeah. And, that's a pairing of how many threes? 3! I rest my case. Now it's time to ENJOY the day! YAY!
videos only appear on the blog website. Click here to go there now.
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6:50 AM
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Scary Snake Story
I was told the following story last night, and while it may have happened to a friend of a friend of a friend, it's not an urban legend. It is a true story, and I find it to be rather disturbing. If you hate snakes, don't read on - this is the most disturbing snake story I've heard.
After rehearsal last night, a group of us went out to Green Mill for some cheap apps and drinks. Somehow conversation turned into scary stories of burglaries, pet nightmares, and to us theatre folks, theatre horror stories. I might have to tell one of those after the snake story as those tend to be hilarious albeit an actor's worst nightmare come true.
Heather's friend went to a bridal shower. It was at the bride-to-be's house, where some of the girls had been before. They noticed that the host's pet boa constrictor was gone, and so they asked her what happened...
Apparently, the woman, who loved her pet snake and trusted it whole-heartedly (I can only assume), would let the snake roam free about her house. I'm guessing this is all because the pet was rather large, and she felt bad confining it to such a small space... who knows exactly.
Well, the snake stopped eating one day. The owner got worried that the snake was dying and called the vet. The vet told her that sometimes snakes get bored with what you're feeding them and like a change of food every now and then.
The owner took this advice and immediately bought a new type of food for the snake. Still, the snake refused to eat.
One morning shortly after, the woman woke up and found the snake in bed with her. I guess the snake had done this before, having free range of the house and all, as this wasn't what worried her... instead, she was scared because the snake was stretched out and stiff as a board.
Convinced that her snake was dying, she immediately called the vet again and told them what was happening. Over the phone the vet told her;
"Get out of your house right now. The snake is measuring you up to see if it can eat you. It's been fasting."
Needless to say, she ran outside, called animal control, and they took the snake away.
Isn't that disturbing!? I mean holy crap! If you ever own a snake, let alone a boa constrictor, then I suggest not letting it have free reign of the entire house, and for your own sake, switch up it's food every now and then or it'll switch it up for you...
I should be working... so I'm not going to tell one of the acting horror stories, but let me tell you... you will never hear so many crazy stories than those told by actors... where else will you find conversations combining a barfing dracula on a zip line, spewing over the audience, and Julie Andrews?
This is appropriately titled Huge Dead Snake
Videos only appear on the blog website. Click here to go there now.
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5:56 AM
Labels: scary, story time
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
I Want To Get Off Here! No Here! Maybe Here! Or Here! No Here! AHHHHHHHH IT HURTS!!!
I have come across an odd, yet somewhat frequent occurance in my building at work, where people decide to hit multiple floors while on the elevator...
The first time it happened, the woman seemed so methodical that I thought it was probably attached to some sort of an obsessive compulsive disorder, but now I think the people are just crazy.
This morning, an older gentleman was walking just feet in front of me, when he ducked down the elevator isle to floors 16-34; my elevator isle. I find it very pleasurable when I get to ride the elevator up to my floor alone, but that was obviously not going to happen today. He pushed the button to summon the closest iron monster, and stood there, without moving, like the elevator button had become his own Buckingham Palace.
Of course, the farthest elevator down the hall opened, and as I was taught manners, I let him get to the elevator first. He walked so slowly, that I feared we were going to miss the elevator altogether, and slight terror coursed through me when it appeared that the elevator doors were going to crush the old man upon entry. Needless to say, we made it inside just fine. I pushed the button for my floor, and then like random, the man put his hand flat against the wall of buttons, lighting up 5 floors. Thankfully, the floors he chose at random were above my destination, so I wasn't going to have to stand through 5 flights of nothingness.
Either way, I wanted to hit his hands and say, "NO! Bad man! You can't get off the elevators onto five floors at once! You're not Multiple Man!"
Seriously though, this has happened a handful of times already, and I'm scared it'll occur yet again... it'll be just my luck if the next time it happens, I encounter none other than Buddy the Elf himself... Christmas is just around the corner afterall...
Videos appear only on the blog web site, click here to go there now.
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5:46 AM
Labels: corporate world
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Welcome to Australia
From my all time favorite director, Baz Luhrmann, who brought the world my favorite movie...
Comes another movie... that I'm really excited for... AUSTRALIA.
Now, Country Westerns and War are probably two of my least favorite movie genres of all time... and this one combines both... BUT I am super excited to see it, all because the master genius Baz Luhrmann is directing it.
Unlike other directors who have a huge reputation and always seem to disappoint lately... Baz ONLY comes out with a movie when he is absolutely passionate about it and has had a hand in everything, making sure it will be absolutely amazing. His Red Curtain Trilogy, telling stories of dance, words, and music (Strictly Ballroom, Romeo + Juliet, and Moulin Rouge! respectively) was an absolute epic success in my mind. I found all three to be brilliant.
This is the first movie he's directed outside of the RCT, so he doesn't have the specific points of view and goals as were obvious in the RCT, but I'm confident that he'll bring us something grand yet again!
I LOVE Nicole Kidman, and I got chills from the Wizard of Oz reference in the preview below... to most of you who don't really know, I read all 14 of L. Frank Baum's Oz books when I was little; it was my favorite series growing up. If there is truly any parallel in this movie, I will die.
I can't wait! I'M SO EXCITED!
videos only appear on the blog web site... click here to go there now.
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5:54 AM
Labels: cinema
Monday, September 29, 2008
Walk It Out Fosse!!!
Any and all Fosse fans should love this!
To any of you who don't know who Bob Fosse is... just watch this:
Bob Fosse was one of the greatest, and my favorite, choreographer of the 50's-70's, creating his own, very distinguishable jazz style. If you recall, I was super excited during rehearsals for Pajama Game, to perform Steam Heat - another famous Fosse choreographed number.
I have had the absolute pleasure of working with a woman at Bloomington Civic Theatre by the name of Christine Fournier; who actually has done many original broadway tours with Fosse himself. She taught us the original choreography for How to Succeed in Business, and helped come up with a very Fosse-esque Steam Heat - without mimicing the original.
The whole reason I tell you about Fosse, is because my friend Heather told me of this AMAZING video on Youtube... it's a mash between Fosse's "Mexican Breakfast" choreography, starring Gwen Verdon, and Soldiaboy's Walk it Out... HILARIOUS!
First, just watch some of the original...
And now, watch the remix... AMAZING!
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5:45 AM
Labels: cinema
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Let's See Yours Now... ... OW! - Teeth Review
Over a few glasses of wine and a pizza, my great friend Heather and I watched a movie we had been anticipating for months; Teeth. Now, if you're ever looking for a new comedy/thriller with a cult classic appeal, then I definitely suggest you see this movie. It will have you clasping your mouth shut with your hand in shock/disgust while causing you to laugh hysterically at the same time.
Dawn O'Keefe (a brilliant play on the artist Georgia O'Keeffe; most famously known for her paintings of flowers inspired by the female genitalia) was born with a case of Vagina Dentata (sharp teeth in her down-there parts); making the movie's catch phrase "Every Rose Has Its Thorns" very befitting. She grew up with a strong belief that one should always wait until their wedding day to have sex, and that masturbation is a horrible sin. She is completely oblivious to her condition until the influence of sex surrounds her, and she starts contemplating on fooling around with a boy she likes at school. The following is an amazingly gruesome, graphic, and extremely uproarious story of sexual discovery and PAIN that will have many a guy a little scared to venture into the unknown depths again. (Much like my temporary fear of the shower after seeing the movie "IT" when I was in junior high.) All I can say, is that this is one of many instances where I am thankful for being gay!
The movie was directed brilliantly, in my opinion. The whole crew, and all of the actors, knew very well that the story they were telling was absurd, and so there are many moments (from certain comical faces, to just plainly absurd characters/scenes) where the actor/director bring you back from the horror and say 'it's all a joke, just relax'.
Jess Weixler does a great job portraying the innocence, curiosity, and absolute confusion of Dawn. You really feel a little pity for her character, and are only excited for her when she dons her 'red nipples' (a Showgirls reference for all of you fans out there).
Two of my absolute favorite characters in the whole show are Brad (Dawn's brother who introduces a very funny, quasi-incestuous theme to the story), played by the oh so talented John Hensley (Nip/Tuck), and Dr. Godfrey (Dawn's new gynecologist who is only shown briefly, but in one of the best scenes of the entire movie), played by Josh Pais. These two made the movie so much more enjoyable to me. I loved their characters, and found myself laughing the most when they were on camera. Of course, all of the acting was great, but these two really did it for me.

That picture to the right of his head almost made me crap my pants in laughter when I first saw it... You might have to take a close look to see what I mean... SO FUNNY!!
All in all, if you have a strong stomach, and aren't easily offended by the idea of a sex farce, then find Teeth today and watch it! I was very tempted to steal it from my friend Heather, but I guess that just means I'll have to go out and buy myself a copy to have for some cocktail party in the future! Holy buckets, that's genius! I'll serve little cocktail weenies, and maybe red wine or any other red alcohol... it'll be divine! YAY!
Videos only appear on the blog site. Click here to go there now.
Posted by
2:08 PM
Labels: cinema, reviews, weekend activities