I left my wallet at home.
Thankfully I brought a pre-made lunch; leftovers from yesterday's amazing dinner prepared ever so wonderfully by my excellent chef of a father, dad. It consists of pork roast, peas, juliene potatoes, and stuffing (a.k.a. dressing) - this cheesy heaven potato dish and this stuffing are two of my favorite things to eat, soooo yummy.
Unfortunately, I was in the mood for my daily diet doctor pepper and I was going to spin the Mamba lottery wheel again, but it was probably for the best I didn't have a way to pay for it. It's probably a sign saying - you just bought a 360, save your money.
This kind of thing hasn't happened to me in a while - I have been very good at keeping my wallet with me - I just happened to take it out yesterday to write down my flexible spending debit card number on a bill I just got from my chiropractor and I forgot to put it back in my jacket pocket. Usually I forget it in a time where it isn't necessary to have it - like today... but there have been a couple of times where I did need it...
The very first time I was pulled over for speeding I was driving in my father's truck to a callback with Minneaolis Musical Theatre. I didn't have my wallet on me, which meant I didn't have my liscence. Add it to the fact that my dad had a bandana hung from the rear view mirror which is against the law, you can see why my first time talking to a police officer on the side of the road was horrifying and traumatic. I ended up driving away with a pretty hefty fine.
Then there's the time I forgot my wallet when I was on a date. It wasn't anything big, we were just going to the Green Mill in Uptown for some eats, and AFTER we ate I realized I didn't have my wallet... it was a first date so they didn't truly know how clumsy and forgetful I can be, and they probably thought I had planned it... I promised to pay for the next meal but there wasn't a next meal, lol. I wonder why... I still feel bad about that day.
Today I will take my absent wallet as a sign and I will be healthy. I will eat my well-rounded lunch without snacking on sugars afterwards or drowning myself in carbination, good thing I have my water bottle!
Monday, January 14, 2008
I Feel Naked Without It!
I've been wanting to go back home and play xbox all day - it's addicting! Here's a video from the game Portal, I described in my last entry - it's a fun game but you can easily get turned around when you're going through a portal - listen to the comedic robot voice that describes the board for you. A fun puzzle game!
videos only show up on the blog site
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9:03 AM
Labels: eats, the wallet
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yay for healthy and boo for the wallet. I always tend to forget my wallet when I need to do something with my ID. As far as grad schools go, my friends will play a large role in where I go....a very large role apparently.
Isn't it customary for one person to pay for the first date? Maybe that's just me. :-/
I agree Jon C :P But in this case it was really just a hang out get to know them - I don't think we were interested enough to have someone buy both meals. :P
Still... I think unless the date is ridiculously horrible, then it would be weird to split the bill.
you got pulled over for speeding in Dad's red-neck truck? HAHAHA! Too funny! ....um, I don't remember you ever telling me about that incident. Pondering...
I totally did mom! It's the one I had to go to the City Hall of Brooklyn Center and meet with some guy who verified my drivers' liscence thereby reducing my ticket, and also stricking it from my record since it was my first moving violation, to remain off my record as long as I didn't have another within like a year or two.
i'm not sure if html will work in a comment but if not, here's the link:
matt that is f-ing hilarious, I loved it! :)
oh here's another one you'll thuroughly enjoy:
"No doubt a few fans of hirsute red heads have dreamed of finally hearing Gordon Freeman's voice, but this probably isn't what they were thinking. On the Saturday episode of Coast to Coast AM with George Noory, the radio show got a call from everyone's favorite theoretical physicist cum savior of mankind, who goes on to describe encounters with the mysterious G-Man: a pale, well groomed fellow who has a habit of appearing suddenly and vanishing from locked rooms. He also reveals that his company is one of two working on portal technology, which could be making him a target of the United States government. Have a listen by playing the embedded "video" above."
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