Sunday, February 17, 2008

It Doesn't Sound Orca!

As of late, my car has been making whale noises.

I'll turn on the car, and it will be so stiff from the cold that it won't move at first, once I get it moving, it then has a hard time turning - THIS is when I start speaking to the ocean.

As I speed up, the sound goes away completely, but comes back just as loud as ever when I slow down and start turning.


Whale noises don't really have an onomatopoeia, I guess.

It reminds me a lot of Nemo though - and oh-so-hilarious Ellen Degeneres as Dori, talking to the Whales herself.

"Mmmmmm Weeeee neeed toooo find his sonnnnn!"

Hopefully my car won't come across some krill... uh ohs!

videos only appear on the blog site


brent.radeke said...

oh my goodness...i love finding nemo...especially that scene. when i first saw it, i almost peed from laughing so hard. and your car is definitely dying. haha

Robbie said...

I think my power steering has gone away... it hurts to turn, because I have to put so much power into the wheel... :(