First, before I go into the upcoming season - which is only two weeks away!! - I have to discuss my thoughts on cycle 9.
Around this exact same time, about a week or two before the show actually started, I had looked at all of the girls' photos and when I saw Saleisha's...
... I said DAMN! This girl was going to either go really far or she's going to flop from being way too simple. I was partially right. Saleisha actually went the whole way BECAUSE she was simple. She was dull, she was fake, she was pretty - I'll give her that - and she knew how to play the game.
Honestly though, when they gave her that Chandra Wilson cut from Gray's Anatomy, I thought her 'fierce' factor was COMPLETELY diminished.
I mean come on...
She was pretty much a shoe-in for the win as no matter how high fashion or interesting a girl might be it all comes down to which one is Covergirl/Seventeen material, and those girls are kind, innocent, sweet, and pretty girls - good role models if you will - not all of these girls will be role models, and by the end of the season those girls will be the faces in "Guess Who?" who will surely be facing the floor.
I was a little disappointed when Saleisha won, and I honestly believe it was the ugly 'do' that hypnotized me into not liking her, because when they got rid of it and took THIS picture... spell snapped and I was right at the beginning as if I had just seen her first shot all over again. THAT is why she deserved to win... not this...
Now onto my first thought when looking through Cycle 10 - Not much wowed me, and I simply couldn't get over the thought I've seen this before...


I'm not sure why...

... but she just reminds me of Ebony...

Oh, wait - after getting kicked off the cruise-liner, she's BACK!
I am having ANTM Deja Vu! - So, before I go further with my First Opinion Pick, I'll have to give myself some time to let my biased opinions of some of their clone counterparts slip away. Just to be fair, I'll include pictures of the other 6 contestents of Cycle 10 that I didn't name/find look-alikes for, although one or two DO look familiar... ...
Hmmm... hard to tell. Especially because they haven't had their dramatic makeover yet.
I can, however, tell who are going to be the loud, obnoxious ones - Stacy Ann and Atayla.
Are Aimee and Amis twins? Or sisters?
I couldn't figure that out either because I was going to match them up to each other last night and make a joke out of it... but they do look a lot alike don't they?
I'm excited for the make overs!
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