I've only really talked about Next Top Model, but in all actuality, I'm a reality tv whore. This includes Survivor, The Apprentice, Project Runway, Biggest Loser, Big Brother, etc. If there has something to do with eliminations, I'm there - I will even stretch myself to watch Elimidate or Next every now and then...
This entry will be about our good friends over at CBS and their wonderful show, Big Brother. It premiers this upcoming Tuesday - 2/12 at 9pm, and I'm uber excited.
Yesterday I went through all of the bios of the newcomers, and I have to say... this is the season where they're going to try to get as many people to have sex with each other as possible... they're all pretty young and single... even this girl is listed single... read the little excerpt from her bio though:

"Jen is a fun/crazy party girl who has bounced from one relationship to the next. She is outspoken, real, loves attention and loves boys, although she is very loyal to her current boyfriend."
Foreshadowing maybe?
There is only ONE contestant who isn't under the age of 30 - she's a 45 year old mom, ex-model, who is also single... So, any of the guys in the house who are into MILFs, they even threw one in to the mix.
Also, just so that they don't leave anyone out, there are two gay guys this season - who, as far as we know, do NOT have a bitter/jaded past. One of the homos on the show, has a wonderful bio excerpt that I would like to share...

"Joshuah came out when he was 18 years old. He says he was a gay man who played straight growing up, playing football and having long term relationships with women. Things changed when he slept with his sister's cheerleading coach--ruining her cheering career--and claims that his family has never forgiven him."
There really isn't an ugly one in the bunch... and us Minnesotans have someone to root for!

"She claims that her mother is her best friend, and she encouraged Amanda to never give up and be a hard worker. She was very close to her father before he died, and considers herself to be the strong one of the family."
Awww, she's so family oriented! What a true Minnesotan!
Out of all of them, I know which one will annoy the hell out of me already...

"James, a high school graduate, is currently on a mission to ride his bicycle halfway around the world with no money in his pocket. ... He was the "freak" in high school who wore costumes to school when it wasn't Halloween."
Please let him be the first to go... PLEASE! I don't mind freaks, but people who are loud and annoying just to get attention annoy the hell out of me.
I'm excited for Tuesday! YAY!
Rob, you were so right on...uncanny! It's going to be a fun season on BB, guess I love being a peeping tom...bet your thinking did my MOM JUST SAY THAT? eeewwww HA!
This is so my mom isn't it... mom, gross. :P
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