Friday, February 8, 2008

Not The Cure For A Hangover

I remember when I was in elementary school, a few friends had told me of Bloody Mary, and how to summon her in the bathroom. One day, those friends and I went into the bathroom near our classroom. We kept the lights off, stood in front of the long mirror on the wall, and said,

"Bloody Mary,
Bloody Mary,
Bloody Mary!"

The rumor was that if you did this you would summon the spirit of some dead woman who would appear all gorey and bloody in the reflection.

Needless to say, I freaked out and ran out of the bathroom. I think I was scared of the bathroom for a couple of weeks after that...

Last night, I popped in the second disk of Supernatural, season one, which I had recently gotten from Netflix, and I noticed the first episode was called Bloody Mary. Cautiously I pushed the play button.

The opening scene showed three girls, elementary school age, playing truth or dare in one of the girl's family's living room. When the host girl refuses to answer a truth, the other two dare her to go into the bathroom, say "Bloody Mary" three times, with all of the lights turned off, and a dead woman will appear in the mirror and scratch your eyes out!

Thank God that last part was edited out when I was told this story in elementary school. It probably would have added a week or two to my fear of the bathroom.

The girl follows through with the dare, and just as she finishes, there are big pounding noises on the door, as her friends play a little joke on her. Haha, everythings fine and dandy - until the girl's sister finds their dad in a pool of blood, with no eyes, in the upstairs bathroom.


I was a little upset at how similar Bloody Mary was to the girl in The Ring movie. She looked like her, she moved like her, it was a 'the chicken or the egg' moment.

Overall, it was a good episode, albeit very creepy for me to watch - it brought back that fear of the bathroom for a little bit last night. I had to run past the mirror. Luckily I don't have many reflective surfaces in my room, other than my tv screen, but since I sleep in the dark, that doesn't really reflect much at night.

So far, I've enjoyed this show. It's interesting, but the episodes I have seen have been pretty similar.

Let's investigate this scene... either because it was in dad's journal or I got a text from a friend... I don't know though, are we wasting our time here? I don't even know if this is part of the supernatural... HOLY CRAP DEMON GHOST THING! DIE!... the end.

I'm waiting for a plot twist; something from the rather tiny ongoing plot regarding the missing father, or the two boys getting revenge for certain mysterious deaths in the family, that changes some of the dynamic of the show... Right now they're wandering around blind, and vanquishing everything that comes in their confused path. I want a villian that stays around a while.

Ooooooh!!!! Beware!

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