So, while I promise to not write solely about reality tv on here - I will not become THAT kind of blog - I do have to give my THIRD update this week on the Big Brother House, after this week I will make it a point to write about reality tv only once... or twice... in any given calendar week. Gotta keep up the variety, as that seems to be popular per my most recent poll!
Last night's episode was, to say the least, dramatic - which is why I watch reality tv in the first place! Well, we found out on Tuesday that Team Jerker (Jen and Parker) had won the first Big Brother Power Couple title, which granted them the ability to kick another team out of the house; skipping the regular nomination/vote process.
Now, if you're AT ALL smart, you know that you should NOT insult someone with the kind of power that Jerker had... You don't just tell the current Queen that some people think the King is a snake - ESPECIALLY when you're telling a lie and consequently have no names to back it up! This is the ultimate reason that we said goodbye to Team Shack Up last night... Jacob, your dumb ass ideas got you into trouble - now I can see how you could have cheated on Sharon, you're just not all there in the brains dept, are you?


Point them out right now or you look like a liar"

"Goodbye then"
Before they had been kicked out though, Sharon had tried to discretely tell Parker (the King as mentioned before in my metaphor) that Ryan was the one calling him a snake, in an attempt to save her and Jacob from leaving...

If you remember from the previous post, Ryan is secretly dating Jen (Parker's partner; the Queen) and have been for quite a long time... so when Parker approached Jen and said that he wanted Ryan and Allison - Team All is Sighin - to go, Jen panicked... and you know what the genius did next? She TOLD Parker the secret!
"We can't get rid of Ryan, he's my lover...
now let's do some more half-naked cuddling"
It's only THE SECOND episode and the secret gets spilled... couldn't you have tried a LITTLE HARDER to come up with another plan before caving in and just blurting it out?
To top it all off, once Ryan found out she had told him, he decided to tell his partner Allison about the secret too... BIG MISTAKE!

Allison is going to try to be a homewrecker here... and she's on the verge of telling the secret to everyone else in the house - big no no! All of us gays know, you NEVER out someone else, same should go with any secret, if it's not yours to tell DON'T TELL IT!
The third couple that Team Jerker had thought about getting rid of was Team Sheild 'Em. Partners Sheila and Adam were still complaining about each other to the point of annoying the whole house...

"Ahhh shit, we're gonna go home..."
But, when Team Shack Up packed up and left, Sheila and Adam turned it all around and even learned to make fun of their incompatability during the Head of Household Competition.
For those of you new to Big Brother, The Head of Household (aka HoH) is a position of power and imunnity given to one individual (or one team as in this season) who then nominates 2 people (teams) for elimination. They don't get to participate in the vote later on that ultimately decides which person (team) is leaving, but for the temporary power and immunity it is definitely worth it.
Towards the end of last night's HOH competition it was down to Team Holy Ho and Team SPAMdex for the win - my least favorite and most favorite teams respectfully. Obviously I wanted it to be Amanda and Alex to win it, and in the end my desire was granted!

Either way, it's kind of an embarassment to Big Brother as all of their twists are pretty much down the drain within the first week - the ex-couple got voted out, the secret couple outed themselves, and the poorly matched couple learned to get along...
Better luck next time BB!
I'm a swing, but I'm also understudying two girls. Yow.
Wow, Emily - that must be a LOT of work, swinging in a show is enough, but understudying too? OY! - let me know when your show is :)
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